Tonight, a last dance with a cat
Title: 東方猫鍵盤20
Romaji: Touhou Nekokenban 20
Length: 42:03
Release date: 05/05/2020

Cover character: Chen (cosplayed by Paprika)
The final album of the Nekokenban series, with the theme of time and a fairytale motif.
Ranko no Ane: This is the last album in the series, so it is called “the final show”.
The theme is time, each song was assigned at an hour and the last one represents 23:55.
The cover art shows a time carriage with a castle on the other side.
In short, the theme is “Cinderella”.
The disc is the same color as the first one.
- 【0時】まよなかの国のアリス | [00:00] Mayonaka no Kuni no Alice – 2:52
Alice in Midnightland
– Original: Fushigi no Kuni no Alice - 【2時】彼女は勤勉なる夜の女王 | [02:00] Kanojo wa Kinben naru Yoru no Joou – 3:29
she is the diligent night queen
– Original: Maid to Chi no Kaichuudokei - 【4時】誰も知らない、妖精たちの集い | [04:00] Dare mo Shiranai, Youseitachi no Tsudoi – 6:20
a gathering of fairies, not known to anyone
– Original: Mayonaka no Fairy Dance - 【6時】微睡みのロンド | [06:00] Madoromi no Rondo – 2:46
napping rondo
– Original: Eien no Shunmu - 【8時】眠たげブレックファースト | [08:00] Nemutage Breakfast – 3:27
sleepy breakfast
– Original: Last Occultism ~ Utsushiyo no Hijutsushi - 【10時】紅茶と焼き菓子のポルカ | [10:00] Koucha to Yakikashi no Polka – 3:36
polka of black tea and baked sweets
– Original: Tsukidokei ~ Luna Dial - 【12時】ドールハウスで昼食を | [12:00] Dollhouse de Chuushoku wo – 3:42
lunch at the dollhouse
– Original: Ningyou Saiban ~ Hito no Katachi Moteasobishi Shoujo - 【15時】うさぎたちの狂ったお茶会 | [15:00] Usagitachi no Kurutta Ochakai – 3:08
the rabbits’ crazy tea party
– Original: Kyouki no Hitomi ~ Invisible Full Moon - 【16時】夕暮れフェアリーの家路 | [16:00] Yuugure Fairy no Ieji – 3:07
the road home of the dusk fairy
– Original: Sunny Rutile Flection - 【18時】空が優しく幕を下ろす | [18:00] Sora ga Yasashiku Maku wo Orosu – 3:52
the sky gently lowers the curtain
– Original: Yoru ga Oritekuru ~ Evening Star - 【21時】パジャマパーティ狂騒曲 | [21:00] Pajama Party Kyousoukyoku – 2:07
pajama party rhapsody
– Original: Yoru dakara Nemurenai - 【23時55分】今宵、ラストダンスを | [23:55] Koyoi, Last Dance wo – 3:33
tonight, we’ll have a last dance
– Original: Naki Oujo no Tame no Septet
- Paprika – Arrangement, Piano, Mix
- Comp – Mastering
- Ranko no Ane – Photos, Design
- Larissa Kulik – Background graphics
- Original works by ZUN
Buy it
Physical: BOOTH | Melonbooks | Toranoana | Akibaoo | Akiba-Hobby | Grep
Digital: iTunes
Streaming: Apple Music | YouTube Music | Spotify | Amazon Music
On the stroke of twelve, the spell will be broken,