First post of the year too!!!! …………yeah, just wanted to write something here! I’m alive and still do some updates behind the scenes! Pinball‘s translations are up since the beginning of the year, and the sidebar is constantly updated… Also, I should be able to access the full version of Danmaku Shinkou soon!And speaking of Buta’s activities, probably the major… Read more »
And another year is gone. Weeeeewh! To wrap up 2024, I wanted to do a quick review of every Buta thing that was released. Stats Touhou songs: 9 (10 if we include the New Years Lost Word song)Originals: 6Instrumentals: 0Total: 15Ranko songs with other arrangers: 0Comp songs with other vocalists: 8 Notes: re-arranges (namely, Guerrilla 3) are included. The Pinball mix of Otona Gum and UNDEAD… Read more »
Hello guys, it’s been a while! I haven’t been doing anything for this website in the last few months, and I honestly don’t feel the need to report every single news anymore, or even work on articles. But I have been creating pages for the new songs (and adding lyrics + translation wherever possible), and keeping the list of songs… Read more »
Since BUTAOTOME won’t have a space at Comiket 105, the new original album Pinball (ピンボール) will be released at the original-only live on December 22! Featuring the two songs that were released early this year, a rearrangement, and 3 new songs! No XFD yet. Pre-orders have started on BOOTH. T-shirts and towel for KOTOHOGI have also been revealed!
HUMANITY (and faith) RESTORED. To wrap up the BUTAOTOME 15th anniversary, we are gonna have a one man live where they will only play original songs! KOTOHOGI (meaning “congratulations, wishing (someone) well”) will be held on December 22 at Aoyama RizM. Tickets will be sold on eplus starting September 21. Woah. Can’t believe this is happening. You see, a couple… Read more »
The final interview left in my queue. This issue of Gekkayo features an interview with BUTAOTOME and the vocaloid producer Hachioji-P (8#Prince) where they mainly talk about SOUND VOLTEX, and music sheets for the songs dilemma and Kyouen! Very special thanks to Merami fan for sending me the scans! Next, we bring you a cross-genre interview with Touhou arrangement circle BUTAOTOME (Ranko,… Read more »
Comiket 104 is on August 12 and BUTAOTOME will bring something new at their space (東ス14a)! This time we are getting a new re-arrange album: Guerrilla 3 (ゲリラ3) The official website is here. Event-exclusive freebie is a clearfile. You can preorder the album on BOOTH and the doujin shops. There will also be new 15th anniversary goods! IC card, gym… Read more »
This is an interview with Comp and Beatmario by Ryuichiro Ban (yes, the TDMD manager) where they talk about karaoke. Special thanks to Merami fan for sending me the scans! Notes: I know this is a DAM CHANNEL book so they couldn’t talk about the rival karaoke service JOYSOUND, but… The Signs of a Resurgence in Touhou Songs in Karaoke Recently, a… Read more »
This magazine was one of the earliest things I ever purchased, and translating the relevant content feels like I’m tying up some loose ends after a long time. Said content is a BUTAOTOME interview, focused on SOUND VOLTEX things, and an exclusive illustration by Ane. You can buy a digital copy on Melonbooks. BUTAOTOMEBUTAOTOME’s Touhou arrangements have been included in… Read more »
This is a post that comes from my heart. I’m not even sure if I’m able to write everything I want to say. But let’s try. First of all… No. I’m not going to close this website. This is not the end. It’s just that… I decided that I will massively reduce my efforts and activities on it. This means… Read more »