Original-only live announcement – KOTOHOGI

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To wrap up the BUTAOTOME 15th anniversary, we are gonna have a one man live where they will only play original songs! KOTOHOGI (meaning “congratulations, wishing (someone) well”) will be held on December 22 at Aoyama RizM. Tickets will be sold on eplus starting September 21.

Woah. Can’t believe this is happening. You see, a couple of weeks ago I have talked with my boyfriend that I have accepted that maybe I will never see Buta live. My wish to see them live is not that strong, and if I have the chance, it better be a special event and not the first Touhou festival available. And while some people Ranko included would say “just go see them regardless, don’t be picky! A live is still a live!”, it’s just that I have high standards and I can’t bring myself to settle for less. “But you will regret it.” Maybe, but any regret I could have is redirected to not having seen them during their big lives from the past, such as Jump Otome (and speaking of which, it will turn 10 next month… 👵).

I have to be honest, I didn’t have much hope for future lives. But… this? An original-only live? Holy CompSheep! It’s not a secret that I deeply care about BUTAOTOME’s original output (heck, two years ago I was incredibily hyped for a freaking best-of album of all things), so this live is pretty much made for me. It’s the dream concert!
However… I have to pass. Things have happened in these months, and I really don’t want to be away from home during Christmas holidays.

On another note, I believe Buta chose this date because it’s kinda close to Comiket. They might use the live to announce whatever they will bring for C105 (which perhaps will include a new original album with Narase and Jareta Te, the two songs released early this year. Heck, maybe they could play a new track…?!).
And I hope the album will be called Darts. We already have Chess and Billiards, we need to complete the trifecta of ShuAke games. I’ve also just realized that Chess and Billiards are my top 2 original releases. Everything is connected. :akechideadinside:

EDIT: It turns out BUTAOTOME forgot to apply for C105. This does NOT mean we won’t get a new release – they can send copies to a friend circle’s space at the event and/or release it through BOOTH and the various mail order shops.

Okay, time to go back in my hideout. If you go to this live, please enjoy it for me!

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