Title: 越-ETSU-
Translation: Crossing over
Arrangement: Comp
Lyrics: Comp
Vocals: Ranko

Original theme:

  • Hikari Kagayaku Tenkyuugi – Touhou Hyouibana ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers; Shinreibyou theme


  • Daifugou (track 8)

Karaoke services:

  • DAM (7472-19)



問うて然り 人間なんて儚きもの
咲いて散るまで迷子だって 道しるべなくちゃ
toute shikari ningen nante hakanaki mono
saite chiru made maigo datte michishirube nakucha

凡人すなわち天見知らぬ者 混沌生きる者
shinshin to furu ame ni wa makezu ni hyouhyou to fuku kaze ni nagaru
bonjin sunawachi ten mishiranu mono konton ikiru mono

騒々しい甘え 仰々しい教え 小さな耳を傾け
souzoushii amae gyougyoushii oshie chiisana mimi wo katamuke

越えて 現在を飛び越えたくて生きてるんでしょ?
問うて然り 人間なんて儚きもの
咲いて散るまで迷子だって 道しるべなくちゃ
koete ima wo tobikoetakute ikiteru ndesho?
onore shiru koto mo dekinakute nani miteru no?
toute shikari ningen nante hakanaki mono
saite chiru made maigo datte michishirube nakucha

喧々諤々 真を語っても万人解悟と遠く微弱
kenkengakugaku shin wo katattemo bannin gego to tooku bijaku
senten kojitsuke gen wo kaerimizu taikai ni oboreru

栄光を讃え 没落を恐れ 空回りする魂
eikou wo tatae botsuraku wo osore karamawari suru tamashii

踊れ 時にしがみついた自我を捨てて
どうせ散るまで迷子だって 楽しみもなくちゃ
youte wasureta kanashimi mo chishio to naru
hajiketonda yorokobi datte kobiritsukete
odore toki ni shigamitsuita jiga wo sutete
douse chiru made maigo datte tanoshimi mo nakucha

越えて 現在を飛び越えたくて生きてるんでしょ?
越えて キツいあの時だって飛び越えたろ?
問うて然り 人間なんて儚きもの
咲いて散るまで迷子だって探してみなくちゃ なくちゃ
koete ima wo tobikoetakute ikiteru ndesho?
koete kitsui ano toki datte tobikoetaro?
toute shikari ningen nante hakanaki mono
saite chiru made maigo datte sagashite minakucha nakucha


You have to ask. Humans are such transient beings
They are lost until they bloom and fall. They need a guidepost

Not defeated by the deep rain, but swept along by the wind that blows aloof
Ordinary people, namely, those unfamiliar with heaven, those who live in chaos

The noisy indulgences, the ostentatious teachings, the little ears that listen

Beyond. You live to leap over the present, don’t you?
What are you looking at if you can’t even know yourself?
You have to ask. Humans are such transient beings
They are lost until they bloom and fall. They need a guidepost

In this tumult, even if I spoke the truth, it is far from being understood by all and is very weak
Drowning in an ocean of prior convictions and no regard for the present

Praise the glory, fear the downfall, souls go astray

Sadness forgotten in drunkenness becomes blood
Even blasts of joy are sticking with you
Dance, sometimes you have to let go of your clinging ego
You’re lost until you fall, anyway. You need to have some fun

Beyond. You live to leap over the present, don’t you?
Beyond. You jumped over it even when it was hard, right?
You have to ask. Humans are such transient beings
They are lost until they bloom and fall. I have to look for them. I have to