Original script [it requires Flash (RIP)]

Sanae Kochiya, 16 years old. She is a very ordinary high school student.
Her grades are ordinary, her family environment is ordinary and she thinks the word “mediocre” suits her well. In the future she will probably go to an ordinary university, get a job at an ordinary company, and get married in her thirties or so.
Today, the sky is blue and the wind is pleasant.
“It’s a good day, nothing has changed,” Sanae said, stretching her arms wide to the sky.

The reason why Sanae, a representative of the ordinary, is here on this off-limits rooftop, is because she was called there by a friend.
The ordinary Sanae had an extraordinary friend.

“”Oh, here we are!””
BGM: Tabidori no Melancholy
The heavy door opened, and the friend in question, no, the friends, appeared.
They were Renko Usami and Mariabelina Hearn.
They’re always working together.
It seems that they are involved in a club with a strange name, the “Hifuu Club.”
It’s not just the name that’s awkward, but also their activities.

They searched for a door to other worlds in a river,
drank an herb infuse that was said to make it possible to talk to animals…
It’s like a mystery study group that has gone too far. They are both good-looking, but when they open their mouths, all they do is say weird stuff, so no one comes near them anymore.
It’s the kind of thing where people call you by special nicknames behind your back.
It’s okay if it’s just the two of them, but if it’s just one of them, it’s not so different from bullying a weak person.
Sanae is probably the only person in this school who they can call a friend.

“Renko, Merry. You’re late. I was afraid the teacher would find you.”
When Sanae blamed them a little, Merry looked apologetic.
“I’m sorry, but it’s okay if they find us.”
But despite her expression, her words were strong.
Renko immediately made a smug face and held up her index finger.
“We’ve already paid her off.”
The two members of the Hifuu Club looked at each other and smiled.
Sanae raises her hands and sighs.
“What do you want today, by the way?
“Oh yeah, so…”

Renko exaggeratedly held out her hands. She looked up at the sky and said that tonight is a full moon.
What does it matter? It’s nothing important, it happens once a month.
Sanae tilted her head, and Mary laughed, telling Renko that she should have explained better.
“It’s a special full moon that occurs only once every few hundred years.”

They say that this full moon called Miracle Moon would be three times bigger than usual and that if you looked at it in a certain place and made a wish, it would come true.
Sanae thought this was nonsense.
It’s impossible for the moon to actually triple in size, and who is going to designate the location?
Who’s going to listen to your wish?
The girls were skeptical about this fairy tale, but they went into their experiments literally believing half of them.
Sanae laughed, thinking that having extraordinary friends never gets old.

“So, why don’t you come with us to see it?”
“I’m good,” she answered, as if to end the conversation.
It’s not that she didn’t have any particular wish that she wanted to come true, and she didn’t care if it was credible or not, but Sanae thought it was a giant myth.
The two girls didn’t expect Sanae to give them a second chance,
even though they had been cut off so easily.
This was not the first time they had invited Sanae to join their club activities, and she had always refused at first.
The odds were fifty-fifty as to whether she would join later or not after all.
They said they expected that answer, and then laughed, “Well, we’ll be waiting for you.”

“Do you really believe that story?”
“Because if it only happens once every few hundred years, no one alive today has ever experienced it. You don’t even know if it’s a myth or not.”
“Well, I do.”
As Renko stepped as if dancing, her skirt flew softly.
Sanae is saying things that are within the bounds of common sense, but it’s as if these two can’t understand her.
She was very impressed.
At the same time, she suddenly wondered if they would be bored with her, even though it was exciting and fun to be with them.
“Hey, by the way…”
“Aren’t you two bored with me?”
She is such a normal lump of a girl.
When Sanae said that, they looked at each other and started laughing out loud.
“What?!” she pouted.
“It’s not!”
“It’s not normal to be able to ask that so directly!”
Yeah, Sanae is not normal or ordinary at all. The Hifuu girls said this in hushed tones.
Sanae didn’t mean to be self-deprecating.
But whether was the way she asked it or the way she got the answer to her question, she felt like they answered her as a woman who wanted to be told, “That’s not true,” and it made her itch.
She is rather fond of being ordinary.
However, if Renko and Merry say that Sanae is not ordinary, and they like that, then she would just think that they are weird, including that fact.

But what is ordinary, to begin with? When Sanae started to think that,
the chime rang.
Sanae and her friends are in different classes.
I have to go to another class, she thought.
“We’ll be in touch!”
“Wait, but…”
“Hey, hey. You’ll have to decide tonight.”

It’s not too late, Renko said, pointing to the empty sky.
Maybe she could already see the miracle moon shining in the darkness.
Merry was standing next to her with a gentle smile on her face.
Sanae smiled bitterly and nodded her head, thinking that these two people have meaning and value in being together, and wondering who she is looking at at all.