There is something in this house, it seems.
Title: 東方猫鍵盤12
Romaji: Touhou Nekokenban 12
Length: 39:49
Release date: 13/08/2016 (Comiket 90)

Cover character: Chen (cosplayed by Paprika)
A horror piano album.
- 迷子の黒猫が洋館に辿着く | Maigo no Kuroneko ga Youkan ni Tadoritsuku – 3:02
the lost black cat reached the mansion
– Original: Kokoro Yusaburu Toshi Densetsu - 人は 誰も居ない | Hito wa Dare mo Inai – 2:36
there are no people
– Original: Ningyou Saiban ~ Hito no Katachi Moteasobishi Shoujo - 騒霊によるピアノ演奏 | Sourei ni yoru Piano Ensou – 3:07
piano performance by the poltergeist
– Original: Yuurei Gakudan ~ Phantom Ensemble - 仮面が迫う | Kamen ga Ou – 3:16
the mask is following
– Original: Boushitsu no Emotion - しちにんみさき | Shichinin Misaki – 2:49
[A group of ghosts of humans who died from calamities and accidents, especially drowning at sea.]
– Original: Captain Murasa - 流された子 | Nagasareta Ko – 2:31
drained child
– Original: Unmei no Dark Side - 森の屍食鬼 | Mori no Shishokuki – 3:30
the ghoul in the forest
– Original: Youma Yakou - 今たぶん後ろにいる | Ima Tabun Ushiro ni Iru – 4:03
now I’m probably behind you
– Original: Hartmann no Youkai Shoujo - 鏡の中は別の顔 | Kagami no Naka wa Betsu no Kao – 3:33
a different face in the mirror
– Original: Last Occultism ~ Utsushiyo no Hijutsushi - 決して寝てはならぬ | Keshite Nete wa naranu – 3:18
never sleep
– Original: Yoru ga Oritekuru ~ Evening Star - 人形がひとつ、増える | Ningyou ga Hitotsu, Fueru – 3:44
the doll was one, and it multiplied
– Original: Poison Body ~ Forsaken Doll - BAD END – 4:13
– Original: Akasareru Shinpi
- Paprika – Arrangement, Piano, Mix
- Comp – Mastering
- Ranko no Ane – Photos, Design
- Original works by ZUN and Uni Akiyama
Buy it
Physical: BOOTH | Melonbooks | Toranoana | Akibaoo | Akiba-Hobby | Grep
Digital: iTunes
Streaming: Apple Music | YouTube Music | Spotify | Amazon Music