Famous paintings x Complete piano solo
Title: 東方猫鍵盤16
Romaji: Touhou Nekokenban 16
Length: 37:27
Release date: 10/08/2018 (Comiket 94)

Cover character: Chen (cosplayed by Paprika). In the paintings: Rumia (as Girl with a Pearl Earring), Toyosatomimi no Miko (as The Scream), Seiga Kaku and Yoshika Miyako (as The Dancer’s Reward)
This is the first Nekokenban album after the first two entries of the series to be completely piano only. Each track is named after a famous painting.
Since most of the tracks of this album are named after Western paintings, this website uses English names instead of the romanized names.
- いくつかの円 | Several Circles (Wassily Kandinsky) – 2:54
– Original: Natsukashiki Touhou no Chi ~ Old World - 山高帽の男 | Man in a Bowler Hat (Rene Magritte) – 2:46
– Original: Oozora Majutsu ~ Magical Astronomy - 記憶の固執 | The Persistence of Memory (Salvador Dalí) – 2:48
– Original: Tsukidokei ~ Luna Dial - 黒猫 | Black Cat (Théophile Steinlen) – 1:59
– Original: Haigoku Lullaby - サロメ | Salome (Aubrey Beardsley) – 3:33
– Originals: Rigid Paradise; Furuki Yuánshén - いばらの首飾りをした自画像 | Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird (Frida Kahlo) – 3:20
– Original: Hartmann no Youkai Shoujo - 叫び | The Scream (Edvard Munch) – 2:46
– Original: Shoutoku Densetsu ~ True Administrator - 眼=気球 | Eye-Balloon (Odilon Redon) – 2:58
– Original: Heartfelt Fancy - 春 | Spring (Alphonse Mucha) – 3:19
– Original: Tenkuu no Hana no Miyako - 相馬の古内裏 | Souma no furudairi (Utagawa Kuniyoshi) – 3:34
– Original: Higan Kikou ~ Riverside View - 真珠の耳飾りの少女 | Girl with a Pearl Earring (Johannes Vermeer) – 3:55
– Original: Youma Yakou - 希望 | Hope (George Frederic Watts) – 3:31
– Original: Yosuzume no Utagoe ~ Night Bird
Note: the original theme of track 12 is mistakenly stated as “Mou Uta shika Kikoenai” on the booklet, the official website, and other official sources.
- Paprika – Arrangement, Piano, Mix
- Comp – Mastering
- Ranko no Ane – Photos, Illustrations, Design
- Original works by ZUN
Buy it
Physical: BOOTH | Melonbooks | Toranoana | Akibaoo | Akiba-Hobby | Grep
Digital: iTunes
Streaming: Apple Music | YouTube Music | Spotify | Amazon Music