Don’t search for me s’il vous plait (please)
Title: 東方猫鍵盤4
Romaji: Touhou Nekokenban 4
Length: 56:13
Release date: 30/12/2011 (Comiket 81)

Cover character: Chen (cosplayed by Paprika)
The album motif is “solitary journey”. There are lots of Hifuu songs and tracks from Oriental Yumekikou.
Paprika (from Nekokenban Best): An album made with the image of a solitary journey. I want to listen to those tunes during a journey. I thought I gotta have a bright song, so I made “Tabidori no Melancholy”. Now that I’m listening to it, it’s not so. For the first time we went afar, and we took the pictures at the Harbor View Park (Yokohama), but I can’t forget the suspicious looks of a couple that was dating.
Ranko no Ane (from Nekokenban Best): Chen’s solitary journey. Did she run away? The catch copy has also a bit of a flight feeling. The jacket is chic in monochrome, but the inside arts have somewhat of American comic-style. This album has lots of Hifuu songs, I think I could have given the journey feeling with just them. Please listen to it while traveling.
- 明けない夜、覚めない夢 | Akenai Yoru, Samenai Yume – 5:46
endless night, endless dream
– Original: Sennen Gensoukyou ~ History of the Moon - それはまるで追いかけっこのようだ | Sore wa Marude Oikakekko no you da – 4:36
it’s like a chasing game
– Original: Yoru ga Oritekuru ~ Evening Star - 微睡みにおちる | Madoromi ni Ochiru – 5:40
dozing off
– Original: Majutsushi Merry - 暗夜航路 | An’ya Kouro – 5:03
– Original: Yuurei Kyakusen no Jidai wo Koeta Tabi
– Original song on Oriental Yumekikou - 旅鳥のメランコリ | Tabidori no Melancholy – 4:53
melancholy of migrating birds
– Original: Shoujo Hifuu Club - 宵影 | Yoi Kage – 4:37
– Original: Heian no Alien
– Original song on Oriental Yumekikou - 月を食む | Tsuki wo Hamu – 3:58
eat the moon [月食 = lunar eclipse]
– Original: Tsuki no Youchou, Bakeneko no Maboroshi - 夢紀行 | Yumekikou – 4:00
– Original: Hiroshige 36gou ~ Neo Super-Express
– Original song on Oriental Yumekikou - スターダストセレナーデ | Stardust Serenade – 4:21
– Original: Locked Girl ~ Shoujo Misshitsu - Shall we dance? – 4:20
– Original: Koiiro Master Spark - 星の向こうに | Hoshi no Mukou ni – 4:28
– Original: Michi no Hana Michi no Tabi
– Original song on Oriental Yumekikou - 「おはよう」 | “Ohayou” – 4:28
“good morning”
– Original: Warabe Matsuri ~ Innocent Treasures
Note: track 5’s title is written as 旅烏のメランコリ (tabigarasu no melancholy, melancholy of a wanderer) in some sources.
- Paprika – Arrangement, Piano
- Comp – Mix, Mastering
- Ranko no Ane – Photos, Design
- Original works by ZUN
Buy it
Physical: BOOTH | Melonbooks | Toranoana | Akibaoo | Akiba-Hobby | Grep
Digital: iTunes
Streaming: Apple Music | YouTube Music | Spotify | Amazon Music