ってゐ!豚乙女ver | ttewi! BUTAOTOME ver

This song is a BUTAOTOME cover of an already existing song/arrangement. Therefore, this page covers exclusively information and details about their version, only some basic info about the original track, and lyrics are unavailable.

Title: ってゐ!豚乙女ver
Romaji: ttewi! BUTAOTOME ver
Rearrangement: Comp
Vocals: Ranko

Original theme:

  • Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome – Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night; stage 5 theme


  • ttewi! ~Inaba Soudouin~ [Sekkenya] (track 10)

Original Song Info

Original artist: Sekkenya
Original arrangement: Sekkenya
Lyrics: hellnian
Original vocals: Atsushi
First appearance: Touhou Fukakousoku ~the maximum moving about~ (track 8) / Sekkenya no Oseibo 2 (track 8 – Eientewi ver)
Note: the BUTAOTOME cover of this song is based on the “Eientewi version”. The difference between the two versions is that the original doesn’t have any lyrics besides the TEI choruses and the lyrics from the original Kagome Kagome song.