The game was shut down on October 14, 2020. The content that was made for it is currently unavailable in any official way.
Touhou Cannonball (東方キャノンボール) was a mobile board game with gacha elements, based on Touhou Project and developed and published by Aniplex and Quatro A. It was released on October 1st, 2019 and it was not available outside of Japan. It featured many illustrations and music made exclusively for the game by several Touhou doujin artists, including BUTAOTOME. This page lists all their contributions.
Board BGM
Most of the board tracks were unlocked by clearing story chapters. They could be purchased in the shop for 10000 fantasy coins afterward. These tracks played during board gameplay, and they could also be used as home screen BGM.

Title: 春に吹かれて
Romaji: Haru ni Fukarete
Translation: Blowing in the spring
Original theme: Haruiro Komichi ~ Colorful Path
Character: Reimu Hakurei
Arranger: Paprika
Jacket: Ranko no Ane
How to unlock it: clear Story 8-3

Title: おてんばなお祭り
Romaji: Otenba na Omatsuri
Translation: Tomboyish festival
Original theme: Otenba Koimusume
Character: Cirno
Arranger: Paprika, Comp
Jacket: Ranko no Ane
How to unlock it: event-only (clear story 5 of the “Hitoyo no Yume! Koumakan no Dainatsumatsuri” event, then purchase it in the shop for 5000 festival goldfishes. This event run from July 28, 2020 to August 13, 2020)

Title: 懐古的未来
Romaji: Kaikoteki Mirai
Translation: Old-fashioned future
Original theme: Meiji Juunananen no Shanghai Alice
Character: Hong Meiling
Arranger: Paprika, Comp
Jacket: Ranko no Ane
How to unlock it: clear Story 9-3

Title: 刀吹雪
Romaji: Katana Fubuki
Translation: Katana blizzard
Original theme: Hiroari Kechou wo iru koto ~ Till When?
Character: Youmu Konpaku
Arranger: Comp
Jacket: Ranko no Ane
How to unlock it: event-only (unlocked by getting 5500 maid points during the “Yessir! Meido no Maid Kunren” event, which run from April 30th, 2020 to May 13th, 2020 /// available in the limited BGM shop from July 22nd, 2020 to July 28th, 2020)

Title: 優雅なおさんぽ
Romaji: Yuuga na Osanpo
Translation: Elegant stroll
Original theme: Otogi no Kuni no Onigashima ~ Missing Power
Character: Suika Ibuki
Arranger: Comp
Jacket: Ranko no Ane
How to unlock it: clear Story 16-1

Title: 感覚
Romaji: Kankaku
Translation: Sensation
Original theme: Oomiwa Shinwaden
Character: Mononobe no Futo
Arranger: Paprika
Jacket: Ranko no Ane
How to unlock it: clear Story 8-6
Battle BGM
Like the board tracks, battle tracks were unlocked by playing the story and purchasing them in the shop. They played during battles and they could also be used as home screen BGM.

Title: 500年目の月
Romaji: 500nenme no Tsuki
Translation: Moon of the 500th year
Original theme: Naki Oujo no Tame no Septet
Character: Remilia Scarlet
Arranger: Comp
Jacket: Ranko no Ane
How to unlock it: clear Story 1-6

Title: 不死の怒り
Romaji: Fushi no Ikari
Translation: Immortal wrath
Original theme: Tsuki made Todoke, Fushi no Kemuri
Character: Fujiwara no Mokou
Arranger: Comp
Jacket: Ranko no Ane
How to unlock it: clear Story 12-2

Title: 戻れぬ道
Romaji: Modorenu Michi
Translation: Road of no return
Original theme: Higan Kikou ~ Riverside View
Character: Komachi Onozuka
Arranger: Comp
Jacket: Ranko no Ane
How to unlock it: clear Story 15-5

Title: 静寂の火花
Romaji: Seijaku no Hibana
Translation: Silent sparks
Original theme: Ittsui no Shinjuu
Character: Aunn Komano
Arranger: Comp
Jacket: Ranko no Ane
How to unlock it: clear Story 2-5
Vocal BGM
Most of the vocal tracks were unlocked once a five-star character reached level 80. Five-star characters could be rolled through the gacha, but it was also possible to upgrade 1-4 star characters with the right material. Vocal tracks played in the game when a maximized character used a spellcard. They could also be used as home screen BGM.

Title: 瞬間ラプソディ
Romaji: Shunkan Rhapsody
Translation: Rhapsody of instants
Original theme: Maid to Chi no Kaichuudokei
Character: Sakuya Izayoi
Vocals: Ranko
Arranger: Comp
Lyrics: Comp
Jacket: Ranko no Ane
How to unlock it: bring a five-star Sakuya to level 80
Song page

Title: ライジングスター
Romaji: Rising Star
Original theme: Fuujin Shoujo
Character: Aya Shameimaru
Vocals: Ranko
Arranger: Comp
Lyrics: Comp
Jacket: Ranko no Ane
How to unlock it: bring a five-star Aya to level 80
Song page

Title: 光の舟
Romaji: Hikari no Fune
Translation: Ship of light
Original theme: Kuroi Umi ni Akaku ~ Legendary Fish
Character: Iku Nagae
Vocals: Ranko
Arranger: Comp
Lyrics: Comp
Jacket: Ranko no Ane
How to unlock it: bring a five-star Iku to level 80
Song page

Title: 刹那アンソロジー
Romaji: Setsuna Anthology
Translation: Anthology of moments
Original theme: Toragara no Bishamonten
Character: Shou Toramaru
Vocals: Ranko
Arranger: Comp
Lyrics: Comp
Jacket: Ranko no Ane
How to unlock it: bring a five-star Shou to level 80
Song page
Other Vocal BGM
These tracks are not made by BUTAOTOME, but feature one of the members.

Title: 激情
Romaji: Gekijou
Translation: Fury
Original themes: Tsuki made Todoke, Fushi no Kemuri; Extend Ash ~ Houraibito
Character: Fujiwara no Mokou
Circle: IOSYS
Vocals: Ranko
Arranger: void
Lyrics: Yuuno Yoshimi
Jacket: Sody
How to unlock it: event-only (unlocked by clearing a Lunatic round in the “Tousou no Hadou ni Mezameshi Fujiwara no Mokou” event, which run from March 3rd, 2020 to March 10th, 2020)