The cat inside the light, why don’t you come and see it?
Title: 東方猫鍵盤7
Romaji: Touhou Nekokenban 7
Length: 53:45
Release date: 12/08/2013 (Comiket 84)

Cover character: Chen (cosplayed by Paprika)
A fairy-themed album.
Paprika (from Nekokenban Best): The two songs that were picked this time, which are also arrangements of vocal songs, I tried to arrange many times until they became completely different. I completely changed the chord in “Tou!” and I tried to make “Aoi Miren, Aoi Namida” majestic. Since the album theme is fairies, my plan was to make it mysterious.
Ranko no Ane (from Nekokenban Best): A fairy-themed disc. It’s made with the imagery of a fantasy movie for children. In order to shape the concept from here, an attempt was made to change the style with the cooperation between Paprika and I. The way she used the original themes, with fairy-like and clear sounds, is beautiful. This is one of the Nekokenbans I’ve listened to many times.
- Inncent War – 3:35
– Original: Yousei Daisensou ~ Fairy Wars - 夜に降るホワイトメリークリスマス | Yoru ni Furu White Merry Christmas – 4:37
a white merry Christmas in the night
– Original: Sunny Rutile Flection - 青いミレン、蒼いナミダ | Aoi Miren, Aoi Namida – 4:17
– Original: Otenba Koimusume
– Original song on Long Skirt Panorama Girl - 週末にハンカチを | Shuumatsu ni Handkerchief wo – 5:35
a handkerchief for the weekend
– Original: Mukau no Kyou ~ Deep Mountain - 冬の旅立ち | Fuyu no Tabidachi – 4:14
winter’s departure
– Original: Lunate Elf - ナルコレプシーの見る夢 | Narcolepsy no Miru Yume – 4:12
dream of narcolepsy
– Original: Yoru dakara Nemurenai - 丁か半か色即是空 | Choukahanka Shikisokuzekuu – 5:01
– Original: Koiiro Master Spark
– Original song on Jitsu wa Sensai na Anata to tama ni Yuukan na Watashi no nandaka Sawaideru tte Hanashi. - 雲の上にも春は降る | Kumo no Ue ni mo Haru wa Furu – 4:26
spring descends even above the clouds
– Original: Tenkuu no Hana no Miyako - 八月はオレンジ色を探そう | Hachigatsu wa Orangeiro wo Sagasou – 4:08
let’s search for the orange color in August
– Original: Fairy Boukentan 春夏秋冬~Tou!~ – 4:39
– Original: Crystallize Silver
– Original song on Long Skirt Panorama Girl- 明けてゆく | Akete yuku – 5:12
– Original: Yousei Sansan toshite - 黎明 | Reimei – 3:43
– Original: Kawaii Daisensou no Refrain
- Paprika – Arrangement, Piano, Mix
- Comp – Mastering
- Ranko no Ane – Photos, Design
- Original works by ZUN
Special thanks
- Suzuki-san
Buy it
Physical: BOOTH | Melonbooks | Toranoana | Akibaoo | Akiba-Hobby | Grep
Digital: iTunes
Streaming: Apple Music | YouTube Music | Spotify | Amazon Music