Hey! I’m bringing you not just the lyrics for Saigo no Ichinichi and even the Melonbooks track (they are up on their respective pages), but also a review!! I had fun with the review of the Fanbook (click if you missed it). So I thought about doing more.
I got my copy this Friday! Completely unexpected. The package was dispatched on Wednesday, and it usually takes 3-4 days to arrive in Italy, and then at my home the day after.

I personally really like the design of this CD: the character artworks are cute and in the booklet, there are also some additional illustrations that kinda look like anime screenshots. I must admit that when I visited the special site (where you can see some of those) the first time, I thought a PV was in the making…
One of the things that surprised me is that this time Comp wrote all the lyrics. Yeah, no Rankolyrics at all. I’m surprised because she always wrote something for every main album (recent ones have 3-4 from her, sometimes even 5) and ReiMari is a dear theme to her.
Time to comment on the music!
1. Aru haru no hi
The album opens with a track that wouldn’t sound out of place as opening for a ReiMari anime. For some reasons Rougetsu from the previous album came back into my mind, but the two songs are completely dissimilar, also Aru haru no hi is more on their style and I like it more. But I think they share a similar feeling as “opening track” of the album, introducing us to its theme.
2. Good meister
This seems to be the fan favourite of this album. It’s also Ranko’s favourite track! The reason is simple: it’s probably their most typical track here, with its catchiness overall (I ended up singing it during a Skype call with a friend last night… ^^”) I especially love the stanzas where the days of the week are mentioned, because they almost feel like a duet between Ranko and Ranko.
o(>▽▽<)o ALL RIGHT
3. Hirari nichijou
It kinda follows the same mood of the first track, but Ranko has a happier tone.
4. Shun’un
This was one of the tracks that caught me the most from the XFD because it was purely piano, vocals and nothing else. And the same goes for the full version. When was the last time they did a track like this? Probably Birthday in the first album… Anyway, it’s beautiful. And AkyuuSuzu feels.
5. Hito wa sute, Kami mo suteru
They have quite a few arranges of Sanae’s theme, but each one has its own peculiarity. This one has a more upbeat feeling, though Ranko’s vocals are reminiscent of Nouzui in some parts. But they still work well.
6. Garigari miracle
Another upbeat track, but I have a special spot for this one and it’s my second favourite track. I can’t help but see this one as a complimentary song to Futatsu no Cinema. They both share a fast rhythm, but Garigari is way lighter and happy-mood than their first Sumireko arrange… but I still like it.
7. Warp on
My favourite track of this CD. Ranko rapping was something I hoped ever since when the I LOVE series was just a “we are planning to bring a rap CD” in the Daikyuushusai catalogue. And, despite her voice being “effected”, she really works. The normal singing parts are not as awesome as the rap and the instrumentation, but they are growing on me. I’m also not sure how this track fits with the “human” theme of the album, but looking at the lyrics, perhaps Yukari is judging them.
8. Mou nani mo hoka ni iranai hazu sa
A ballad, for closing this album with a hopeful note. Even though both their Innocent Treasures vocals are mellow songs, they are completely different between each other (it helps that Futatsume no Koukyou is arranged by Papu, while this one is by Comp). Probably one of the best closing tracks on their Touhou albums, but I’m really fond of slow/ballad songs as album closers. And I think it’s the one that sums perfectly the “goodbye” motif of the album.
Overall, this is a good album, with the usual Butaotome’s style I always love and some new things for them. But the best of this year still has to come!
Ranko no Ane’s illustration for Sumireko Gakuen
I got this book as well! You know I’m a huge fan of anything related to Hifuu and I also love Sistah’s art, so I couldn’t resist and grab it. Her illustration is really cute: is drawn in the I LOVE style, and is basically what the title says: the ideal school life of Sumireko-chan. She dreams of a school life with Gensokyo’s people, with extra-scholastic activities, lovely senpais (I hope Mokou-senpai will notice me…) and rivals from other schools…
And with this, I’m finishing this article! I hope you enjoyed the reading! And I might as well write more reviews in future…