…so. You might be aware that Twitter hasn’t been in a great status ever since cat girl Elonno Maschio’s acquisition. We have just reached a new low with the temporary tweet reading and the possible self-DDoS. Now Tweetdeck (the tool I use that lets me keep track of both my personal account and the TC’s one, a permanent open tab in my browser for years) has become almost unusable, most columns are in a perpetual loading status.

Honestly, I would love to move away to another social, but there are two things that make the whole migration really hard for me:
- Twitter is still the news hub for doujin music. Plenty of small circles just use Twitter for their announcements, they don’t have a website or accounts on other social platforms. Sometimes they don’t even post samples. The blue bird social is also where I quickly find doujin-adjacent news such as new rhythm game additions, or live setlists.
- And most importantly, Twitter has always been the main BUTAOTOME social network. All the members have an account there. It’s on Twitter where they always posted news, retweeted stuff, or just said quick previews of their upcoming works (such as Ranko saying “I’ve written lyrics” or “I’ve recorded”). Currently, they haven’t talked about getting a new account on another social network outside of Instagram (where they already have their personal accounts). Ranko in particular doesn’t seem to be interested in finding a new social, in this newly published FANBOX post she said “Since I have nowhere to go if Twitter dies, I thought I’d at least update the FAN BOX”.
So… to me, it depends on these two factors (especially the second one). It’s hard to find a true Twitter replacement, it must be something widely used by doujin artists.
I saw a couple of other artists using Misskey, and while I would love to have Buta there so I can react to Ranko’s posts with :ranko_pat:, I’m afraid that a decentralized web platform can’t handle the flood of new users. (read here) I don’t want what might be just a temporary alternative.
We’ll see how things evolve, and I’ll update this post in case. In the meantime, you can still join Tiramisu Cowboy’s Discord server, where I post the latest news from the Buta world, updates about upcoming posts/pages on this website, and I simply talk about whatever I like!

EDIT: TweetDeck has forced its new version to everyone. This new version doesn’t have all the cool features from the original, such as easy multi-account managing.
Oh, and TweetDeck itself will become exclusive to Verified/Blue subscribers in 30 days.
From now on, Tiramisu Cowboy’s Twitter account will no longer be used (except for DMs), and it will no longer provide updates. Again, join the Discord server for quick updates. Important news will get their own post here as usual.
I still don’t know what will be a good Twitter substitute (read the two points above), but I will update you in case BUTAOTOME will decide to switch to somewhere else! (and make an account there)