Hey, now this website is as old as the number of songs in your typical Buta album!
Honestly, I don’t know what to say, except for the usual stuff. Time has passed, I’ve learned a lot, yadda yadda. Perhaps I’ll have something to say in 2025, when we’ll finally reach the 10th anniversary (man, that will be very special…).
I just want to continue what I’ve always done: provide you with the latest news on the World of BUTAOTOME, talk about them in general, translate the translatable, write new insightful posts, wait for an Enigmatic Doll arrangement… #MuseDeservesHerButaSong (it’s been two months, but I’m still happy she has her Buta art… 😊)
I’m currently planning all my orders for C102 and future events. So many packages… I’m very hyped for Oshira Asobi (or Oshiraasobi? I first went with the latter, but the former looks better…), and I can’t wait to read it and listen to its accompanying song! And of course, translate everything! But first… Billiards’ 10th anniversary review, to be published next Saturday.
Thank you to all the readers and supporters of this website! Now, to the 9th year!