Miscellaneous news 6

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Mmmm, actually this time I don’t have news regarding this site. After the live-week, I’m resting for a while (but I still deliver to you the latest news!), but next week I’ll come back to work on a couple of pages!

Now, for some Butanews… first of all, today Comp sent the Kouroumu album to the press! Technically the CD has been already announced: we know what it will be, the title, the tracks included (if you’ve lost any info, the album page is here)… So, we only need to wait for the crossfade and preorder pages in the shops! w
Then, in these days Ranko recorded some stuff: maybe we should expect guest tracks for Kouroumu/Reitaisai releases.
And speaking of participations… It seems it will be possible to play various music games at Reitaisai: Sound Voltex, Chunithm, Taiko etc…. In particular, Groove Coaster is also planning to release a second compilation of Touhou songs, including a new BUTAOTOME track! Details are currently unknown. Reitaisai special page