End of the year post

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So… 2016 came to an end. This was a year hard to describe. It had lots of awesome moments, and also a plenty of awful ones. However it was also a special year for Tiramisu Cowboy.

The reason I’m writing an end of the year post here and also putting a lot of personal feelings, it’s because this year I’ve realized how much I deeply care about TC, and now I consider it as my “main” site, over my personal blog. This doesn’t mean that I’ll suddenly fill it with personal opinions (those will be confined in the reviews) or Buta-unrelated content: nothing will change. It’s just that managing Tiramisu Cowboy is simply what I love to do, even when I just do minor updates. And for next year I want to work even more on it.

Special thanks to…

– Quwanti, the first Piggy friend I ever got, also the earliest supporter of TC back in 2014, when this site was just an idea. Even this year, we shared a lot of laughs and moments. I’m so glad I got to be friend with you.
– Scott, the best “surprise” of this year. It all started with a random email I got at the beginning of the year because you just wanted to share a certain rare CD, and after that we developed a great friendship full of music and nerdy things.
– Jaefine. She doesn’t follow the site, but she is still a dear friend who listen my rants and I can share happiness and nonsense with. Also, the one who managed to get a copy of FREAKS autographed by the four Butamembers, for me. It’s one of my precious treasures, and probably also the object that symbolizes this year.
– Friends on Skype/Discord, who I often/daily talk with and also offered a bit of help here.
– all the people who sincerly support this site. You are probably mostly silent lurkers who follow Twitter, the Tumblr feed or also the Youtube channel, but I know you are there, and I’m glad someone appreciates my work.
– Last but not least, BUTAOTOME themselves. For all the awesome music they produced this year and all the happy moments they always give me.

2017 is going to be an awesome year for the Pig, with their major debut, and I hope there will be more wonderful things!

Happy new year!
