Some new lives have been announced to celebrate the 10th anniversary! They are all two man lives, with other Touhou circles.

First one is Unlucky Otome, with Unlucky Morpheus. August 24th at Shibuya Rex! Tickets will be sold on Lawson Tickets from June 22.

Second one is Sekken Otome, with Sekkenya. August 31st at Nagoya HOLYDAY! Tickets will be sold on e+ from June 22.

Third one is TaNaBaTa Otome, with TaNaBaTa. October 19 at Osaka DROP! No tickets sale date has been currently announced.
The tickets for each live will cost 3200 yen (3700 if you buy them at the same day of the live) + drink ticket. The page tickets currently give error 404, but don’t worry, they will be up on the sales day!