And as Netflix says, polar bears need love too.

I apologize for skipping the recap once again last week, but there is a big lack of news in the World of BUTAOTOME.
We had two important announcements in the last few days: the first is that BUTAOTOME will have a booth at Comiket 96, and they will bring new releases (Touhou vocal album, Nekokenban 18, maybe more?). The second one is that we have new lives for the 10th anniversary celebration. This time they are a series of two man lives in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka, with Unlucky Morpheus, Sekkenya and TaNaBaTa!
As for stuff related to this website, I’m currently working on translating some stuff and updating the album pages with the new design (you can see it in the Daihinmin page!).
BUTAOTOME will be in Taiwan this weekend, for the Uta Matsuri live and the 3rd Taiwanese Reitaisai! And that’s all.?