This past week hasn’t been great for me physically and mentally. I still feel sick. Maybe it’s because I talked positively about Touhou Lost Word, even when I still criticized its music (seriously, the music production of that game is not amazing, to put it very lightly. Sorry Comp, but the tracks feel like they are just randomly chosen)
Anyway, bringing you a small recap! Starting with…
Website news
I bring you a couple of translated things!
First is Tegami no Katachi wo shita Yume, a small letter/novel written by Ranko that was exclusively sold at the Kyoukai kara Mieta Keshiki -Musubu- event on February 2015. It was the same release event of Folie à deux, so it ties in with the lore of that album! It has been a long time dream of mine to read that story, and it has been made possible thanks to a couple of Good Souls on Twitter!
Second is Samui Uwasa, original track from Nostalgia. The original soundtrack was recently released, so I got its lyrics!
What’s next? Well, I’m still focusing on my personal archives, and I’ve also tried to be less lazy and translated a random Ane comic, although I’m not entirely convinced by my translation/edit (so I’m not going to give it a proper upload for now). It’s here if you want to see it (original here). I hope to feel better soon…
Like every year, there will be the Niconico Choukaigi on the Golden Week! And like every year, there will be a super Touhou live stage! BUTAOTOME will play on day 2, April 27! Tickets are currently on sale, info is on the official website! The live should be streamed…
Another thing that comes every year is spring Reitaisai, this year in its 20th iteration on May 7! Of course, BUTAOTOME will have a space there! Something new is in the works!
DAM has recently added a few UNDEAD CORPORATION Touhou songs to their karaoke catalog, including Ranko classics such as Yoru naku Usagi wa Yume wo Miru and Murasa!
In the last months, DAM has been adding songs from less active/popular circles such as GET IN THE RING, Konpeki Studio (AoCF album when), and Riverside, and I’ve been enjoying these additions! Inb4 next update will feature Sally with the obligatory YASASHII USO NI…
A new Touhou Doujin Music Distribution update has been shadow-dropped (wait until it’s the 20th in your country), however it doesn’t seem to include Houkiboshi or anything relevant to this website.
Aaaaand that’s all for today, see you on Tuesday with the Delicate tour in Fukuoka setlist!