Ooooh, welcome back to this relaxed review corner! This time we have the stuff I ordered during C102 and the Kyoto Hifuu event…

For the Kyoto Hifuu stuff, I asked an extremely good and honest soul (the same one I asked last year for that same event) to buy things for me.
So, let’s start with the Buta stuff!

First of all, Oshira Asobi! Not much to say about it, the review is here! It’s still a really good release with a very unique song. I hope we’ll get more similar things in the future!

Logo keychain for Gensou no Satellite! I decided to pair it with the Kochuuten passcase, for a ZUN’s Music Collection set (credits to Yoruri for the idea, he has a similar set with the Machibito passcase + Kyouen keychain – hey, you can do a full Kogasa combo with the Machibito keychain).

Some Delicate tour merch: the keychain and the pouch. Not sure if it’s for the differently colored plastic, but I like how the keyholder feels to the touch… I dunno?! I still don’t know how I will use the pouch, but I like how Kosuzu and Adelina fit in.

Moon Tour bag, inspired by Magical Astronomy’s story. It was made in 2018 and it was still in stock so I decided to buy one. It’s LAAARGE, perfect for some big shopping sessions! It came in a a package inspired by space food packets, that’s a fun idea!
…and yeah. I love mugs. I guess my dream Buta merch is a mug. We had teacups, we had plastic mugs, so I would love a big-sized mug… (the closest thing is probably this Shimensoka mug with Ane’s Hifuu art)

Giji Kazoku Nyuumon and Ese Souretsu Shinan coasters. The BOOTH page says that a bookmark is included as a freebie, but I didn’t get it… 0/10 completely unusable. Jokes aside, GKN/ESS are some of my favorite covers from Buta, and I’m glad they did some merch of them!

It’s the merch from this year’s Kyoto Hifuu event! In retrospect, I’m very glad I asked the proxy because the keychain and the plastic mug went sold out at the event. The t-shirt was eventually added to BOOTH, but it went sold out immediately. Honestly, I’m quite disappointed about their scarce availability because Ane has been tweeting about working on the Kyoto Hifuu merch for a long time (I think she talked about it more than C102 things). However, they are still very cute goods, the keychain in particular will probably look very good in future pics with the Crew! I do hope we’ll get more kyoot Hifuu merch in the future!
Now, showcase of some non-Buta stuff…

This is some stuff from an artist called Kohina. They mainly do SakiYachie and Ensemble Stars books, and also have some WBaWC merch. The Keiki keychain had only one stock left, so I decided to YOLO and get it. I really appreciate that they included a bonus thank you illustration (which I have put inside the pouch)!
In the last few months, I have been enjoying browsing BOOTH to find Touhou merch. I think small creators are part of what makes Touhou and doujin so magic, so it’s a good thing to support them while corporates are too busy doing the same popular characters and Lost Word alts nobody asked for. (Speaking of that game, they teased what seems to be Sakuya riding a dinosaur. Sorry not sorry, this is the best alt ever). However, it’s still quite hard to find stuff with designs I like, and some merch can also be pretty expensive…

Ruzi dolls again! This time I got myself a Doremy, to fill the Doremy-shaped hole in my heart. I was unsure about pairing her with Shoujo Rengoku 3 or Daihinmin, but in the end, I said “Why not both?” So I went with all the albums that have a song related to her, including Nekokenbans! Ruzi had momentarily stopped their activities due to their mother’s health, but now they are getting back into business, and they have added the UDoALG characters to the lineup! I’m sending them some positive thoughts and I’ll keep supporting them! (also… haaaalp, my mother fell in love with Hisami)

But now here is the thing. I asked my proxy to get Doremy and Sumireko (to have something along with the Buta Hifuu merch), but it seems they mixed up their flower kanjis… So I have a Renko now. Well… I certainly don’t dislike her, but I always preferred Merry out of the original Hifuu duo, and they kind of feel meaningless as separate characters (although I was considering getting Merry for Sawareru Yume representation). So, for now, she remains in the plastic until I decide what to do: keep her but eventually get Sumireko and Merry in the future, or give her to someone (but I also don’t want to deal with international shipping waaaaa…). But now that I’m writing this, I’m starting to feel sorry to give her away, she is still cute…
Now, what’s next? Well, I did buy some merch from BUTAOTOME’s BOOTH, but I’ve shipped them to my friend in Japan so I don’t have to deal with countless packages with minor stuff + she can keep them even for a long (but not super long) period of time. I’m still watching second-hand shops for some cool finds, but my most wanted items seem non-existent by this point…
Speaking of events, Kouroumu wasn’t particularly interesting besides some books I may get in the future, and I don’t think I will buy anything from M3 unless the upcoming BlackY feat. Risa Yuzuki album has Ego Eimi. Autumnal Reitaisai will come afterward, so I’ll probably order some stuff during that time… Hopefully, there will be something new from Buta!