Even unchanged days
would be better, for sure
Title: フルボッコ
Romaji: Furubokko
Length: 22:49
Catalog number: AVCD-93654 [CD] /// AVCD-93653/B [CD+DVD]
Release date: 15/03/2017

CD version

CD + DVD version

Digital edition cover [note: this is the artwork used for the pre-release version of the album that was available on dwango.jp for a limited time, with only the first three tracks of the album]
Sticker: Strange-looking creative group
Has finally their major debut!!
They are a band originated from Touhou consisting of 4 people: Ranko (human), Comp (polar bear), Paprika (cat), Ranko no Ane (rabbit).
BUTAOTOME’s first mini-album released under the Avex label. With 6 tracks, including a title one and a re-recorded version of Sharekoube from Bowling. The songs Radical Shoujo and Motelab. were originally played live during the Kashiramoji of Songs lives in September 2015, and never got an album release before (though Radical Shoujo became playable on the rhythm game GITADORA in July 2016).
- ラジカル少女 | Radical Shoujo – 3:08
- フルボッコ | Furubokko – 3:47
- 白線 | Hakusen – 5:10
- 髑髏 | Sharekoube – 3:56
- モテlab. | Motelab. – 2:49
- もう明日なんかいらない | Mou Ashita nanka Iranai – 3:56
- Furubokko MV
- Bonus footage (MV offshot)
- Short short movie collection
- Ranko – Vocals (all tracks)
- Comp – Composition (all tracks), Lyrics (all tracks), Bass, Guitar, Photos
- Paprika – Piano
- Ranko no Ane – Illustrations, Design
- Shinjiro “Megane” Hirai – Mix
- Rena Konayagi – Mastering
Buy it
Overseas shipping: CDJapan [CD | CD+DVD] YesAsia [CD | CD+DVD] HMV Japan [CD | CD+DVD] Akiba-Hobby [CD | CD+DVD]
Non-overseas shipping/forwarding service required: Melonbooks [CD | CD+DVD] Toranoana [CD | CD+DVD] Animate [CD | CD+DVD] Amazon JP [CD | CD+DVD] Tower Records [CD | CD+DVD] mu-mo [CD | CD+DVD]
Digital: iTunes | OTOTOY
Streaming: Spotify