Miscellaneous News 4

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[I need a proper name for these news. Seriously]

Hey, I’ve finally created a new logo! Last night while sleeping I thought about doing something smaller… the font is called Jura and is the same Ranko no Ane used in some stuff… And the image is the Jump Otome DVD cover. Something simpler, but this time I’m satisfied!

Anyway, news from the Butaworld! First of all, Comp, in one of his newest blog posts, announced that the purpose of those photos he is doing since the begininning of the year will be announced by the end of this month. I think they will bring a photo album for Comitia, but that’s just my supposition. This is unrelated to future works, but this Friday the bear will be a guest in a streaming about ZUN’s beer, with ZUN himself, Beatmario and others. Nicovideo link.

At last… I have some special news! Yesterday I’ve sent an email to Comp regarding a thing many of you will appreciate: download releases. I got his reply this morning: while they are interested on opening a BOOTH, they don’t want to do digital releases and prefer to focus on physical CDs. However, they still want to do sales aimed for fans outside Japan! When the moment will come, I will write about it (and even put it in the sidebar etc)!