Kakera on BeatStream

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Today there was the Daikyuushuu Touhousai and a mini live after the event! Sadly I didn’t managed to find the setlist… I’m really curious about which tracks from FREAKS will be played in future liveshows (and if they played something today), at least until the next big release…

Anyway, remember when it was announced a future release of Kakera on REFLEC BEAT VOLLZA 2 and BeatStream, and since the latter game has videos in the background I was expecting a PV? This is quite old (there was no mention on Twitter at all, I can justify myself!!!11), but the song is available there since the 10th of August! The accompanied video is a live performance of the song at the Bemani Rock Fes of the 10th of July [RIP my hopes for a cool video with the Original-kos]. The Reflec Beat release date is set to be on the 25th of August.
Also, a bluray of the whole Bemani festival is planned to be released this winter: here is the purchase page for the special edition on the Japanese Konami Style site. The extras included are backstage off shots, rehearsal footages and more.