Miscellaneous news 5

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First of all, if you check a random page, you might view it with a completely different theme. It’s an issue from Tumblr and I don’t know its cause. For now, I can only suggest to wait a bit and then reload the page: the theme should be restored back to normal. I don’t know if this problem will last long, but from a quick search, looks like I’m not the only one, at least…! (it’s moments like this that make me want to migrate from Tumblr ;_; )

Sadly, I won’t get my copies of FREAKS and Nekokenban 12 this week. However, a dear friend of mine shared with me the songs and the lyrics page of FREAKS, directly from my autographed copy in Japan (the other “plain” copy I’ll get will be sent to a friend). So, I already listened the album and transcribed everything! The lyrics will be up here in a couple of hours, and the reviews will come once I get the physical copies (hopefully next week?).

Now, news related to Butaotome themselves! Today, during the usual streaming, they announced that they are planning to release a new CD for Kouroumu, in October! It will be basically the Paprika piano corner on request CD, containing 12 songs. On the 31st of August, during the stream, they will create a web form that will cover the songs from Touhou Kaiten Mokuba to Kemonomichi. It will last one week! (it was hard to understand everything with audio only and few written stuff, I hope I haven’t got anything wrong… (´×ω×`))

See you next update!