Toranoana’s lottery + 139th livestream

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Toranoana has an interesting promotion ongoing: from the 12th to the 27th of this month, if you purchase on certain Toranoana shops or by mail order an old album from a circle partipating this promotion, you could enter a lottery and win some stuff related to them: this stuff vary from rare CDs/goods to personal belongings of the members! For Butaotome, the prizes are Ranko’s ribbon (which is also the same ribbon she wore during the Kashiramoji liveshows last year), Comp’s bass pedal, Paprika’s handbag and Sis’ globe ornament! Each item is a single prize and is signed by its respective (former) owner.
Toranoana special page

Today (16th) the streaming will finally come back! As they announced two weeks ago, in this streaming they’ll talk about the goods for the Gohoukoku ga arimasu liveshow, which is slooooowly approaching. Also, this livestream will have a special “big guest”! It’s unknown who they will be, maybe we’ll discover it during the streamo or some hours before (I have some suspects, though)… I just hope they won’t compromise Chess’ piano corner by delaying it of another week or (even worse) by talking above Paprika’s piano.
Livestream page