Gohoukoku ga arimasu. livestream + new section incoming

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So, this Saturday is Gohoukoku ga arimasu, BUTAOTOME’s biggest liveshow for this year, and tickets are soldout! Wowowowo!
But the most exciting news is that this liveshow will be broadcasted live on Niconico!! It’s been a long time since their last streamed liveshow and I’m so happy they finally came back to doing it!
Nicovideo link

Now, you know that during last update I talked about an article I wanted to write before Gohoukoku? I can announce that it’s a new section on this website about Buta’s past liveshows: you’ll find a brief history about them and also trivia and setlists of the most important ones. I still need to work on a couple of things, but you’ll notice when it will be finally up!