Pocket no News 12

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So… I’ve tried to enable Disqus! Now you should be able to comment the posts on TC! I haven’t properly tested it, but feel free to leave a comment any time and express your opinion!
Also, some days ago I’ve added an index of all the songs of the week, accessible from the Media section, with also the upcoming ones! As you can see I still have material for some months: I need to decide what to do with the songs I have already uploaded on Youtube (for sure I’ll upload the audio of Tarantula/Kaimenkasseizai during the week of April Fools). Once the list will be completed and I won’t have anything to upload as song of the week, “weekly recap” posts will probably take the spot!

Now, news from the Butaworld. It’s a quite slow period and we are just waiting for more informations about Furubokko (cover art, samples, video…). The cover art is done, but it’s unknown when it will be finally published. Also, some days ago the four Butamembers finally shot the Furubokko music video! Some pics from the blog: 123
What the censorings are hiding? We’ll discover it once the video will be released!
And to finish, this week’s streaming will have Ichigo as special guest!
Nicovideo link

See you next update! :catpic: