Pocket no News 15

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So… some days ago I’ve finished the goods page! I was expecting to be a quite un-pretty page, but I’m kinda happy with the final result!
Now I’m slowly working on the freebies page, and I’m going parallel with the addition of song samples and XFDs… btw, since I’ve privatized my old blog (which was Tiramisu’s image archive), there is the chance that some images might appear broken. Please inform me if you come across a broken image link! (not in song pages because I’m gonna revise all of them)

Now, various news from the World of BUTAOTOME!
First of all, Nostalgia, the new Konami music game, is finally available in Japanese arcades! This game features a new version of Machibito wa Kozu., which seems to have only vocals and the piano track (it’s a piano-based game, after all!)
Also, the REFLEC BEAT Yuukyuu no Reflesia + VOLZZA ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK will be release on April 12. The third disc will contain Zero, Akhuta’s song with Ranko’s vocals, which was playable for a while on Reflec Beat in January!
Going outside the music-game world, Melonbooks announced a new promotion to celebrate Furubokko’s release. From the 15th of March, if you purchase at least 2 BUTAOTOME-related items, you get 3 “trading seals” as freebie! It’s a set of 54 seals, and they cover all the main vocal discography, the one man lives, the 4 members and 2 logos. Also, if you purchase 6 releases you get 10, if you purchase 10 release you get 20, if you purchase 20 releases you get 30 and finally you can have the whole set by purchasing 30 releases!
Promotion (bottom part)The collection
And at last, from the 3rd to the 9th of this month, a “Special Edition” of Furubokko will be available exclusively on dwango.jp! For 500 yen, you can get the first half of the album (titular track, Radical Shoujo and Hakusen) and a special different jacket (signed by the four members) is also included. Sadly, dwango jp doesn’t work outside Japan, unless you have a Japanese telephone provider (otherwise I would have wrote a tutorial)…

That’s all for this update! See you next time (or tomorrow on Youtube, with Getsumen Tansa’s piano)!