Kyoukai kara Mieta Keshiki release: sachlich

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So, the new Hifuu album is a full-8 tracks and its overall theme is “Old taboo”. It has 5 instrumental tracks and 3 songs with… Ranko no Ane singing!:

Website /// Crossfade in preparation
1. 朝のベベドール | Asa no Bebedor [Hangover of Bedfellows Dreaming Differently]
2. Mの居る部屋 | M no iru Heya [Green Sanatorium]
3. ありふれた擬態 | Arifureta Gitai [The Darkness Brought In by Swallowstone Naturalis Historia]
4. ミステリーは既知の外 | Mystery wa Kichi no Soto [Gathering the Mysterious from All Around Japan]
5. サロン・ド・アノニマス | Salon de Anonymous [Bar “Old Adam”]
6. 深夜のカフェテラス | Shin’ya Café Terrace [Satellite Café Terrace]
7. 無限多重カーテン | Mugen Tajuu Curtain [The Taboo Membrane Wall]
8. 時を観るひと | Toki wo Miru Hito [The Wheelchair’s Future in Space]

There are also new goods with this album’s arts: bookcover and t-shirts!