After two months since the first announcement, BUTAOTOME’s official fanclub has been finally opened!

The site runs on, but you can access to its complete features only on mobile.
Currently, I’m trying to see if I can register somehow with my very limited means, but it’s highly likely it’s impossible to get something outside of Japan also due to the presence of lotteries with physical prizes.
Now, what’s the purpose of this new website? Well, first of all it’s a mobile site, though at the moment the news/profile/discography sections are pretty much taken from the official website (, with also eventual un-updates).
However, if you become a member, with a monthly fee of 350 yen (tax excluded), you get the access to a lot of exclusive contents: pictures, videos, blog entries, tickets presales and more!
At the moment there is a lottery ongoing where 10 lucky fans can win a toute bag with goodies.
EDIT: I’ve managed to subscribe the fanclub! I can’t request a member card because it needs a Japanese address, which is necessary to participate to the lotteries and get the physical prizes. But at least I can access to all the rest!
Anyway, it has been announced that the official blog will be no longer updated. That’s mainly because they prefer to use Twitter for the latest news and in the last months the ButaBlog felt a bit useless (basically there were only Paprika’s weekly updates). Also, now there is a blog section in the fanclub.