Weekly recap 1: Touhou Freaks, etc.

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Song of the we- oh, wait, it’s no more. Anyway, welcome to this new corner! It’s basically a weekly recap, with all the main news from the World of BUTAOTOME taken from the weekly livestream.

But there was no livestream today… So, let’s replace it somehow!

TC Crew Theater 1

Here are the most relevant news Comp and Paprika would have talked about in today’s stream, if there was:

From the 1st to the 20th of this month, the Atre store in Akihabara will have a Touhou event, organized with the Reitaisai staff. Other than purchasing various Touhou memorabilia, you can also listen to Touhou vocal arranges from famous circles as store BGM and buy the respective CDs. Butaotome are included!

During the weekend, a new live event has been announced: Touhou Freaks Vol.1. It’s organized by Butaotome themselves, and the line-up, other than the Pig, includes Monokuro Satsujin Genba Sashin, Onsen Tamago and Girls Logic Observatory! It will be held the 3rd of September at Shinjuku MARZ and tickets will be sold on Lawson from the 15th of July. As a personal note, I’m glad to see a lineup with less popular circles, instead of the usual names that are pretty much recurring nowadays (A-One, Cool&Create etc.), plus I became a fan of Girls Logic Observatory with their newer albums!

Last news has been already reported here, but Butaotome will have a booth at Friends Chihoo 2, a Kemono Friends only event. They just plan to bring some themed goods, with the main trio of the show.

That’s all for this new type of post! It will probably evolve with time. I don’t know if it will take the place of the Pocket no News, but I also would like to give it a fitting name…