After 3 weeks, the weekly livestream finally came back!

It was mostly Touhou Freaks talks (tickets now on sale!) and Compachi summer edition. I’m still waiting for a new music corner.
The Kanazawa Touhousai live went well! The setlist was pretty much 2010 singles (though, apparently Gensou no Satellite was not played, in that case the end of the world is near), but there was also Sorairo Ribbon! Yay for Giji Kazoku promotion! Ranko was also a special guest during the GET IN THE RING live for singing Forgotten Paradise.
The lineup for the Uta Matsuri live in Novemember was confirmed since a couple of months, but since it’s a two days event, it was unknown which circles would have played on which day. Today it has been announced that BUTAOTOME will play only during the first day (18th).
Comiket 92 announcements are starting, and the first thing that interests us is MelonBooks ShopBGM Compilations:001 – Nature –. This compilations contains all the tracks made for being used as Melonbooks store BGM during the months from April to July, including the new BUTAOTOME song “Toumei Mislead” (track 12). No samples at the moment, probably they’ll be published in August.
Recently, Comp tweeted that he made “a damn cool arrange ( ̄(エ) ̄)”. It’s a tweet that mostly doesn’t mean anything, but that’s what you usually get from BUTAOTOME as “spoiler for upcoming work”.
What do you expect from the C92 releases?
Last news is something Jordi sent me right while I was writing this: Konami annnounced a couple of “SOUND VOLTEX ULTIMATE TRACKS – BOOTH LEGACY” albums. The first one contains the song “dilemma”, which finally gets its album release after five years! It seems the album will be released as part of the “Volte Factory” campaign and more information will come soon.
That’s all for this week! Today there was streaming, and the “TC Crew Theater” was originally made to be a substitute of the Comp and Papu pic. But since my friends loved it and I enjoy taking random pics, I decided to keep it!

TC Crew Theater 3