A short update, but I wanted to re-use this format!
The first day of Comiket ended and the new releases are out! I want to thank my friend Jaefine, who got copies of CHILD HOOD’S END and Nekokenban 14 for me, so I’ve already listened them! I’ll start to work on them with transcriptions etc. in the next few days, but the usual review (and the translation of the recipes in the Neko 14) will come once I get the copies!
Now, I think this has been already spammed in various websites, but since apparently someone tried to purchase a couple of Butaotome albums (if the “best sellers” section can be used as reference for order activity), I want to give another warning: do not use BuyDoujin.com anymore, they are completely dead since May. Come back to the “usual” proxy/middleman methods if you want to buy your copies and support Butaotome!
Last thing is that the official website has been updated with more details about the recent announcement: the 2nd major mini-album, still untitled, is set to be released on the 8th of November!
See you next update! :hums Sawareru Yume: