So… today there was a short livestream with just Comp, but it wasn’t labelled as “utau namahousou”. During the last weekend he also made a random stream with Paprika directly from Kyoto’s hotel room. He also said he is planning to do more streaming in future, probably when he feels like doing them. I guess this means the Utau Namahousou format has been abandoned… I’ll wait at least couple of weeks before updating the sidebar! Maybe I’m just nostalgic but I feel a bit melanchonic at the sole thought of removing the “Utau Namahousou” section. But after all, where was the “utau/singing” part in the last season of livestream?
During today’s streaming there was a mention of the Kemono Friends event, but still no proper news about the goods that are supposed to be brought there. And the event is coming in a few days. Siiiis?
The other news have been already reported along with the setlists, but for a quick recap: the new promotional pic has been revealed and it will accompany us for at least the timespan of the 2nd major album! I personally love it, so I decided to make a new logo for the site, though it doesn’t blend well with the background color…
The Old Adam glass + coaster set is sold out on Melonbooks! It seems it got pretty popular. There is still a few stock that will be sold during the autumnal events.
To close, I have some nice news! With the help of Scott, I contacted Ark Lucifead about the missing setlists from 2011 and 2013 tours. Luckily, he had those for 2013 and he kindly sent them, so finally the Magical Gambler page is complete! Two things I learned:
1. Suisai no Kusa (track from Jitsuwa) was played once! Must update my long post about the setlists, now… lol
2. There was so much content in the page that it broke. I had to remove all the song links. It was the same problem I got with the list of songs page, which led me to move it to other sources… Just a little reminder of how I wish to move away from Tumblr ;_;
Regarding the 2011 setlists, Ark said that he didn’t save them, but he will try to ask his friends! I want to really thank him for his time and kindness.

TC Crew Theater 12
P.s.: happy Kashiramoji of songs 2nd anniversary!!