Overseas interview incoming?

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Today Comp tweeted that he got some nice interviews today and some hours after he said that he replied to an “overseas interview” and he hopes it will be transmitted well~( ̄(エ) ̄). It’s unknown in which website or even in which language it will be published.
My guess is that this interview will be in English. I was planning to finally start to post some translated things today or tomorrow, but because of it, I decided to hold them off at least until this overseas one will be published, since it will pretty much cover many similar info. The coincidences…!

PS: Himawari Sunset will be available on Jubeat’s arcade from Saturday. It’s the fourth music game it will be in, after Reflec Beat, Pop’n music and even Dance Dance Revolution. Will it beat Gensou no Machibito in music game presences?!