A good portion of this week’s news were already reported on this update, including the most important news: Sis lost with Animal Crossing!!111
The DREAM 5 DAYS radio feature is ongoing and today there was the third day!! Here you can read more about it and how to listen to it live. I’m recording it and I’ll upload a single mp3 file (with all the five days and without the songs played) next week.

It has been announced that those who will attend any date of the Furubokkoru tour will get a free badge! The design will be different for each date. They are all funny, but let me say that I love the first Shibuya badge because there is MiniPap (Paprika’s noisy handpuppet). Also, Comp said that the design for the tour goods is the coolest and he wants us to see them soon!
From tomorrow, all the six tracks from Furubokko will be available on the karaoke service “Karaoke no Tetsujin” (KaraTetsu in short)!
In between Comp’s Melonbooks tour, all the BUTAOTOME members are busy with the C93 albums. It looks like Ranko wrote some lyrics! It’s been almost a year: Paradise Lost was the last album to feature her lyrics and after that we got only some compilation/non-album tracks.
As last thing, news from this site: I’m currently rewriting the “how to buy” guide in a more detailed way, trying to include every single information possible and also adding some personal experiences. In addition, I’m also updating every album page and on the CHILD HOOD’S END page you can see how. I’m adding the obi test at the top, as a sort of “subtitle” and all the buy links under the artwork/official website link. I know some people might find it a bit useless because “there are already tons of guides online!11” or what, but I think it’s a necessary page on this website.

TC Crew Theater 22. It’s cold…