First of all, today there was Compachi’s super-mega-ultra-hyper-radical-uber-( ¨̮ ) livestream, where Comp’s alter ego replied to the fans’ problem submitted on the secret form accessible from the QR Code on Melonbooks’ free sticker for those who purchased Trauma Recorder. I jokingly exaggerated with the adjectives, but this whole streaming lasted almost 5 hours and half, with about one hundred troubles solved. お疲れ様でした!
“Yes, but the C93 albums?!?!?!?” They are 100% done! The announcement (with XFD, tracklist and every other info) should be during the weekend.
I’ve posted a good bunch of C93 guest infos on Tiramisu’s twitter! But in case you are lazy to check or to take note of everything, don’t worry: I’ll publish a nice list on Monday!
January’s issue of Bass Magazine, with a Comp interview, is out now! Scott ordered it for me and he should get it in a few days. Meanwhile, the other two magazines I’ve ordered (Sound Designer and Bass Magazine’s December issues) are still on their way from Japan to Italy: it took a while before shipping, plus I picked SAL as shipping. Please wait warmly~
Last thing is that a couple of days ago I found a mysterious CD. Apparently a disc was distributed at the Shanghai live from a couple of months ago (The Origins 3rd). It contains a selection of BUTAOTOME and TAMAONSEN songs, including the usual Gensou no Machibito no Tsukikage, Kegarenaki Hakusen (wtf is even doing there) and also a special version of Yukemuri Tamaonsen with Ranko on vocals!
I really can’t find other informations about it, so if someone knows more about this album, please share the infos with me!
Chinese Touhou Wiki | Suruga-ya

TC Crew Theater 25. My old collection of seals and co. plushies, preparing for winter!
No Comp, you can’t eat them.