The Trauma Recorder tour setlists have 8 songs BUTAOTOME played at every single live and together with the Trauma songs they are 14 tour staples: two thirds of the actual setlist. I was hoping some of them would have been rotated during these last two dates, in order to differentiate them enough, but the only song they dropped today was Gensou no Satellite, THE END OF THE WORLD IS NEAR. Also, some other comebacks!
1. Hito no Tame
2. Sharekoube
3. Revoleader Align
4. Shikaban Hyakkiyakou Emaki
5. Inzen
6. Panorama
7. Itami Honpo
8. Circus
9. Ikiru no ga Heta na dake
10. Machibito wa Kozu.
11. Zurezure na Hibi
12. Fusoku Hokou
13. Ikkagetsu
°Compachi corner
14. Mirai
15. Yodare
16. Mesen
17. Yurara Kamishibai
18. Trauma Recorder
19. Saru
20. Furubokko
21. Kakoinaki yo wa Ichigo no Tsukikage
Comments from Scott:
– Best songs from the live were Yurara Kamishibai (S U I K A YEEEEEEEEEEEEE), Mirai (as usual, Comp’s bass is always a pleasure), Inzen (the crowd sang the final part) and Mesen. Also, Circus (anything from Chess is always good) and Itami Honpo were great.
– Ikiru no ga Heta na dake was the best song from Trauma Recorder: gotta love the crazy bass! On the other hand, what’s Yodare?
– We have a fifth member now: the acoustic guitar from Trauma Recorder.
– Ikkagetsu is still fun trash.
– Some Japanese fans were giving out nice handmade stuff!
PS: Got the Gitadora Re:Evolve OST, so Tanpopo’s lyrics are up!
PPS: A nice thing that will join my collection in March ♥