For this final date we got a live debut of a song from an older album! (no, not from CHILD HOOD’S END, sadly)
1. Fuwari Kakusei
2. Hakanaki Mono Ningen
3. Kyoai
4. Yodare
5. Ashita no Kako
6. Chuudou Hokou
7. Yume ja nai Nanika
8. Machibito wa Kozu.
9. Ikiru no ga Heta na dake
10. Moonstone
11. Unmei no Wa
12. Zurezure na Hibi
13. Fusoku Hokou
14. Pyrite
15. Ikkagetsu
°Compachi corner
16. Gensou no Satellite
17. Panorama
18. Mesen
19. Saru
20. Kakoinaki yo wa Ichigo no Tsukikage
21. Kyou En
22. Furubokko
23. Trauma Recorder
24. Yumezakura
Scott’s comments!
– Sadly there was no real highlight. Chuudou Hokou was good, especially considering it was a live debut!
– Pyrite was good, especially since the bass is so clear live! (these live comments in a nutshell are “Comp’s bass is amazing”)
– This happened also yesterday, but before Trauma Recorder (and during the member introduction), Comp sang a very cringy “I love you” song (I don’t know which song it was, except that the audience was like “NO PLS WHY”).
– Only for this live, it was possible to take pictures (the pic I used for this post was taken by Scott). People posted them under the Japanese Butaotome tag on Twitter. At a certain time, The Sis assumed a pose that was pretty much “draw me like one of your French bunnies”.
And with this, the tour ended. Here are all the songs played!