No livestream this week!

TC Crew Theater 39 feat. a late birthday present. Thank you Robin ♥
This is a free week in BUTAOTOME’s live/event schedule, but they are still busy with the Reitaisai release! Comp said that he wrote lyrics for a fast song. Oh, and Ranko said she likes Joon, if that can be another hint for the Egoistic Flowers arrange.
Setlist from last Saturday’s Touhou Hit Parade live:
1. Gensou no Satellite
2. Hakanaki Mono Ningen
3. Y
4. Machibito wa Kozu
5. Mesen
6. Yurara Kamishibai
7. Kakoinaki yo wa Ichigo no Tsukikage
Touhou is coming back to the Atre store in Akihabara! From the 17 to the 30 of this month, they will (once again) sell related goods, as well as use songs from famous Touhou vocal circles as BGM and sell their albums.
Aaaaaaand… that’s all. :woooooooooooosh: