No livestream for this week!

TC Crew Theater 41
Yesterday, Comp and Paprika were in a livestream with ZUN and other people. I didn’t follow it, when I checked while it was ongoing there was Beatmario singing Gensou no Satellite and my soul died. Anyway, I was browsing Weibo and I found out, thanks to someone who posted a screen, that Comp showed the new BUTAOTOME albums to be released on Reitaisai! So I grabbed Scottolo’s account and watched it. And here are the exclusive news!!11
The first album is named “Daihinmin” (大貧民), which is the name of a Japanese card game (wikipedia) and it has Shion on cover.
The second album is “Majotachi no Ongakushitsu” (魔女たちの音楽室, Witches’ Music Room) and has the MariAliPatchy trio. It’s the album with the Music Room singles!
There is also a Touhou Peace album, in collaboration with Tamaonsen and Cool&Create and related to June’s tour.
XFDs, tracklists and more informations will be available on Friday!
Speaking of Reitaisai, there are some albums featuring BUTAOTOME’s guest tracks! I talked about them on Tiramisu’s twitter, but I’m planning to publish the full list on Monday or Tuesday!
Setlist from last Thursday’s Osaka live!
1. Furubokko
2. Sharekoube
3. Radical Shoujo
4. Hakusen
5. Ikiru no ga Heta na dake
6. Mesen
7. Trauma Recorder
You expected GenSate, but it was me, sen! (oggod I’m sorry…) but where is tiramise
This weekend BUTAOTOME will play at the Super Touhou Live Stage 2018 for the Niconico Choukaigi! This live will be livestreamed and here is the link. If you are not going to watch it in time, timeshift it now! Please note that this is the link exclusive for the second day, the one when Buta will play. They should play at 6 AM UTC.
And that’s all! See you on Friday!