After one week of rest due to the lack of relevant news that weren’t reported already, the weekly recap is back! Things happened and last weekend I was considering taking a break from Butaotome/TC activities, but now I’m back in full force, brum brum!
Last weekend, BUTAOTOME were in Shanghai for the THONLY event! They sold albums and goods on Saturday and performed live on Sunday! Here is the setlist:
1. Gensou no Satellite
2. Kyoai
3. Hakanaki Mono Ningen
4. Machibito wa Kozu.
5. Soldi
6. Kakoinaki yo wa Ichigo no Tsukikage
Petition to make a PV for Mesen, so Butaotome can play it while fully using the giant screen behind them. But seriously, even if they want to focus exclusively on PV songs, I can’t really understand why they choose Kyoai over every other song. I think there are songs from Touhou Kaiten Mokuba that, despite not having any PV, are much better (and more popular) than that Flandre song, obviously excluding Machibito. Maybe Asian fans still love it? It’s U.N. Owen after all!!11 IDK But let’s move on!
On the same day, Ranko was also a guest in the Touhou Jihen and TsuBaKi lives, for singing the songs Kagura O and Hana nomi zo Shiru.
Now, what’s next?
This weekend is the Unlucky Otome live in Tokyo! It’s a two man live with Unlucky Morpheus, and part of the 10th anniversary celebration. The goods have been revealed, together with the ones that will be sold at the Sekken Otome live next week! You can check them here. We have t-shirts, towels and wristbands, all with a unique design. There are also some collaboration t-shirts featuring Ankimo-chan (Fuyuki Tenge’s drawing) and Shuuzou’s self-portrait!
Website stuff
Yeah, it’s been a while since the last article of the “Rank(o)ing every BUTAOTOME vocal album from worst to best” series. I didn’t abandon it, don’t worry! The next part will be published after the review of the C96 albums (which still haven’t arrived at the warehouse). In the meantime, I want to focus on other stuff I left unfinished for a while!
See you on Saturday with the Unlucky Otome setlist (unless we get important news before)!