No seriously, there is nothing new in the World of BUTAOTOME except for the setlist of the Unlucky Otome live. The Pig will be in Nagoya on Saturday, for another two man live, this time with Sekkenya!
An update from Violet
I ordered my C96 albums, but they still didn’t arrive at the warehouse. It looks like Melonbooks is flooded with orders this time around. I apologize for the huge delay of the Goku and co.’s contents and review! But in the meantime, I can still work on future articles and translations, revise the album pages and more…
I’ve recently discovered that the Piano to Uta albums (the only two rearrange albums I didn’t buy because they didn’t sound good to me) have a small comment from Paprika. My boyfriend provided me some pictures and I’ve translated them! You can read them in their album pages: Tasogare Elegy | En
Now, is there anyone here who has Touhou Otogee Best or at least booklet scans of it? Or can you at least confirm if it has anything interesting besides the lyrics and a list of each rhythm game? The Otogee Best is the only best of album both me and my bf don’t own, and honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the booklet has a high detailed commentary of each song.
See you on Saturday with the Buta Sekken setlist, unless we get some suprise news or I manage to finish something!