Sekken Otome – setlist

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It just ended! This was the second one of the 3 two man lives for BUTAOTOME’s 10th anniversary. Thanks to Ark Lucifead for providing the setlist as usual!

Once again, a setlist too much focused on Touhou songs, but this time we got a cover of a Sekkenya track (and Sekken covered Furubokko during their part!) and another live debut of a Goku track!

  1. Hakanaki mono Ningen
  2. Haruka Tooi Sora no Koe
  3. Mesen
  4. Soldi
  5. Touhou Youyoumu (Sekkenya cover)
  6. Shiawase
  7. Machibito wa Kozu.
  8. Odabutsu
  9. Momoiro Fivestar
  10. Ikiru no ga Heta na dake
  11. Furubokko
  12. Saru
  13. Gensou no Satellite
  14. Kakoinaki Yo wa Ichigo no Tsukikage