Me, last week: “I will start to transcribe the lyrics from Magic Lantern after I’m done with Windows updates”
PC: “Nah, I’m gonna die now.”

I got a new powerful PC a couple of days ago. No picture of it for this week’s theater pic because they all turned out dark (and I didn’t want to reuse those I posted in my personal Twitter/Discord). I’m still reinstalling a bunch of things and I’m trying to recover the data from my former PC (though most of my BUTAOTOME/Tiramisu Cowboy stuff is safe).
While I was stuck on mobile, I entrusted a couple of Magic Lantern lyrics to my friend Robin, who transcribed (and translated) them! Check out his blog \O/
All the lyrics from the album are up here! The review is coming soon…
Lost Word Chronicle full ver.
The full version of the Touhou Lost Word opening has been officially uploaded!
I originally didn’t want to transcribe the lyrics due to a couple of unreadable parts and I’m picky as fuck. Someone posted them in the comments of the video, and I wanted to publish their transcription on TC with my corrections, but as I was comparing it with what was shown in the video, I noticed more and more errors and weird things. So I decided to hold these lyrics off until they are officially published in a readable format.
Small reports
– NEGAI, the new Touhou song made for the piano rhythm game NOSTALGIA, is a 3rd eye arrangement. It was kinda obvious due to its artwork featuring Satori Kome(me)iji, but honestly, I was hoping for an arrangement of Heartfelt Fancy, her related stage theme.
– the new version of maimai, DX PLUS, will be available tomorrow in Japanese arcades! It will include the song Solid. It’s unknown when this update will arrive in the international version of the game (I think it’s so behind with the updates that it still doesn’t have Ichi ka Bachi edit: Ichi ka Bachi has been added this week!).
– if you are at least a bit into Youtube, you are probably aware of the COPPA thing that is currently happening. A lot of channels have to set if their content is for kids or not (or just leave it to Youtube bots to do it for them, with… not so great results). Well, BUTAOTOME’s Youtube Channel is currently set up as “for kids”, which means that you can’t comment on their videos anymore.
– There was a Touhou no Uta streaming yesterday, with DiGiTAL WiNG members as guests. You can rewatch it down below! You can see Sorane singing Machibito wa Kozu., among other songs!
And that’s all for this week!