The recap is one day later than the usual because reasons, next time it will be back on the usual Wednesday slot, no worries!
Touhou Meikasai 14
August 9 is Touhou Meikasai in Nagoya, and BUTAOTOME will have a booth there! On July 16, Ane published a cool artwork of Alice Margatroid and tweeted that a collab work from her and Ranko is planned to be distributed at the event, and it will be sold online afterward! Since it’s something from the sisters, I expect it to be a fanfiction with illustrations or something like that. I wouldn’t expect anything music-related, except maybe a remix of an old song. More details coming soon!
Ane’s tweet
Touhou Cannonball
Summer arrived in full force in the first Touhou gacha! There is no new BUTAOTOME song this time, however, Shou Toramaru has been finally added in the regular gachas today, so now you have easy chances to get her and her vocal song! Furthermore, a new limited shop is available until July 28, where you can buy new BGMs as well as those from past events for the usual 10000 fantasy coins price. If you missed Katana Fubuki from last May’s maid event, now you can finally get it!
Touhou no Uta special
There will be a special episode of the karaoke show on Sunday. This time is in collaboration with the Chinese event Michi Gensou Kayoukai (魅知幻想歌谣会). Due to the pandemic, they can’t have the usual live with special guests from Japan, so they decided to team up with Touhou no Uta and deliver a karaoke livestream instead. Comp and MiniComp will be there as usual, but BUTAOTOME will also be one of the singing acts!
Youtube livestream