The most important news of the week
For those who live in the Northern hemisphere, the sea cucumber is finally available in Animal Crossing New Horizons as a sea creature! Catch one and think about Paprika.
A polar bear in Hokkaido
Comp went in Sapporo, Hokkaido! He posted various pictures on his Twitter, and he also resumed his Instagram. Some of these pictures are music studio/recording-related, so we can safely say it’s there for some music-making things. The rare times he goes outside of his home for music, it’s for something professional/non-doujin and not really related to BUTAOTOME. I have posted my guess on TC’s Discord server, but it’s only a speculah, nothing confirmed. Only time will tell us!
Touhou Lost Word global version
Everyone’s favorite dinosaur-less gacha is getting an English version! The release date is still unknown, but the official website, Facebook, and Twitter are up. Pre-registrations are open, and they are doing daily giveaways of Amazon gift cards. No gameplay videos, but you can still find them uploaded on Youtube by unofficial channels/the Japanese channel.
Touhou Spell Bubble ENG
As previously announced last week, the Puzzle Bubble clone with Touhous is finally available in the West! Only the first 3 DLCs are available in the US/EU Nintendo e-Shops (but none of the DLCs released until now has any BUTAOTOME song anyway).
In addition, the official Twitter account asked again for fans’ suggestions about future songs to add! Just tweet them with the hashtag #東方スペルバブルで遊びたい曲 !
Nintendo.com page
The super mega giant boxset with all the maimai songs from its first iteration to FiNALE has been released today!
Yumehanabi is the 11th song of the 4th disc. There is no version longer than 2:18 (but do long versions of BUTAOTOME’s original rhythm game tracks even exist? Aside from Jibun Kanpai).
The box was available on Diverse Direct (ships overseas with no proxies/forwarding services), but it’s soldout. It’s still available on TANO*C STORE (requires Tenso and similar services).
And that’s all for this week!