Original [free]
A translation of Ane’s latest blog post in the FANBOX, where she talks about an illustration she did as commission she received on her skeb.
I dunno, I’m in crunch time.
I don’t know why… I can’t get my schedule to work.
Ane here.
Sorry, that’s why there is no Sisters Radio today.
Next time, please support me as I fight.
Comp is playing bass in Nanase Aikawa’s tour, and he’s made it to Sapporo.

I’m planning to go to the final live on the 31st.
Do you think is still possible to buy tickets?
How about you guys?
Let’s make some summer memories together.
Currently, I have zero memories of this summer.
Well, that’s it.
I received a skeb commission for an image illustration for “Nawatobi”,
which is included in Shoujo Rengoku 3.
Nawatobi is this song.
It’s also on apple music and Youtube music.

Here are the lyrics.
Ranko wrote them.
Correction: Comp wrote them.
もう 遠くに 遠くに 夢は描けない
もう さよなら さよなら さよなら
もう よしなに よしなに 後始末をして
もう さよなら さよなら 忘れて
Soon, far away, far away, I can’t dream
Soon, farewell, farewell, farewell
Soon, appropriately, appropriately, I clear up
Soon, farewell, farewell, I forget it
自分以外 所詮他人 生きている間は
Even if I deceive, even if I deceive, I can’t deceive the mount of fate
People other than myself are just strangers. At least while alive.
失くしてしまえば もう失くさない
I threw the light of life into the night sky, it lit up the darkness and I cried
If I lose it now, I’ll never lose it again
I hugged your cold body
もうとっくに とっくに触れてた
生やかに けやかに残るこの姿
The non-existing shadows that I chased without reaching them
I’ve already touched them long ago, long ago
This appearance that remains fresh and still
Says farewell to a world it can’t return to
冷たい手を握りしめた 握り返す貴女
I don’t know what’s good, what’s evil, or what heaven sees in me
I grasped your cold hand, and you grasped it back
失くしてしまえば もう失くさない
For so long that it seems like a blank
We always laughed together
Using our waking gaze as a skipping rope
We played until the sun went down
I threw the light of life into the night sky, it lit up the darkness and I cried
If I lose it now, I’ll never lose it again
I hugged your cold body
In my mind, Seiga has the image of a tropical fish, and I was thinking of skipping rope songs themselves, with blue and yellow sparks crackling in the dusk.
But those Nawatobi lyrics are very difficult to understand…
I feel that dead things are still dead, or rather, if you move them, they become something else.
It’s like Yoshika’s feelings at the moment her life disappeared are gradually wrapped up in her own unrequited feelings over time and made into pearls.… I made it into a design.
The words “送君千里、終須一別” are an old Chinese saying.
I think it means “I’m going to send you off for a thousand miles because I’m sorry to see you go, but in the end, I have to say goodbye”.
Probably, the timing of the farewell after the actual farewell is called “acceptance” in the five stages of grief.
That farewell is only an existence within oneself.
A person continues to live within another person.
Or they continue to die.
The Five Stages of Grief
Denial, anger, dealing, depression, and acceptance
As for lyrics, I’d like to describe them as accepting, rejecting, and trading in these five stages… I like the content a lot. It’s a structure that goes up and down as it moves towards the end.
Oh, I registered this picture to famima print.
I wonder if the colors will come out well. If you like, try printing it out.
User number: EXPHCNYQ3L
L size:30yen 2L size:80yen
Until around 18:00 on 2021-08-03
Click here for instructions on how to print. [Violet’s note: this is probably some kind of Japan-only service, accessing the page give me a 403 error]
And so, I’m off for crunch~