We are back with some miscellaneous news!
First of all, here is the setlist of DIAMOND FES:
- Furubokko
- Hakanaki Mono Ningen
- Machibito wa Kozu.
- Saru
- Kakoinaki yo wa Ichigo no Tsukikage
The live is no longer rewatchable. (it was only available to those who purchased a ticket anyway)
Jimon Jitou is finally available on Spotify and several other streaming services! Check this link!
We finally have the title of Melonbooks’ upcoming compilation, featuring remasters of Kyouen, Tsumi to Batsu and Sally Mirai Yohou: Touhou Tsudzuraori (東方九十九折)! The official website with XFDs is here. Being remasters, the tracks don’t have any extremely noticeable difference from their original version (although Tsumi to Batsu sounds a bit different). This giant compi will be released on October 24.
Touhou Spell Bubble will release a Subterranean Animism-themed DLC on October 7 (actually today). It will include The fear is oneself!
Now, website news time!
First of all, I’ve decided to scrap the Ura Best review for several reasons. I apologize. Not sure when the next review will be.
Also, after taking a… too long break, I’ve been going back to translating lyrics, and hopefully, Hanafuda and TRASH BOX will be done by the end of the month.
And that’s all for this week!