Three short pieces of news this week!
Solid on Touhou Danmaku Kagura
As the title says. The first track from Daihinmin will be added tomorrow on the Touhou mobile rhythm game! Here is a preview of its Hard chart! The illustration is drawn by Maachi. And that’s not the only song we are getting in a mobile rhythm game this month…
Gensou no Satellite remix on D4DJ Groovy Mix
The mobile game D4DJ Groovy Mix is getting more Touhou songs. More specifically, remixes of vocal hits. And one of these upcoming songs is our GenSate! It will be remixed by Getty, a HARDCORE TANO*C artist specialized in pumpcore. And according to his words, the remix will be of this genre. It will be added to the Japanese version of the game on the 20th of this month. The game is free, you need an in-game currency to unlock cover songs.
Touhou no Uta
Kind of a last-minute announcement, but Ranko will be a guest at the monthly MiniComp Show this Sunday! Here is the YouTube link.
And that’s all for this week!